• Welcome to CEITEC Nano Moodle!

      An online training platform which is aimed to support the hands-on training sessions in CEITEC Nano labs.

      The Moodle is organized into the following sections:

      • Safety & General behaviour in the lab are essential to survival in our labs.

      • Booking system & Data management is very important for every user in daily work. Here you will find everything about our enhanced booking system with an electronic logbook and data management.

      • General training: contains courses with minimum general knowledge required for the effective and safe operation of specific types of equipment, e.g. Lithography equipment, Electron microscopes etc. These courses concluded with a quiz or exam and their completion may be required prior to attending the hands-on training.

      • Equipment training: courses there sumarize the knowledge needed for the operation of specific equipment, provide supporting information for hands-on training sessions and also provide additional manuals and other resources relevant to the specific piece of equipment.

      • Useful information and resources: this is a section where you can find resources useful for your day-to-day work in CEITEC Nano laboratories.

      • User section: serves for sharing know-how, tips&tricks and other information between the users.

      We wish you a productive e-learning experience,
      Your CEITEC Nano team.